Product Design
Crypto Growth
The Problem: Users Don't Value Our Crypto
We had rushed to create a page for our users where they could connect a crypto wallet to our platform. Users would be able to farm NUTZ, which was our pre currency to our $RVLRY crypto coin. Unfortunately we discovered through user research that our users did not see the value of NUTZ, and the ones that did couldn't get their wallets connected
Success Metrics:
We would measure success through attempting to achieve these metrics:
Increase for connected wallets
Increase from betting handle
Project Details
Project Type
UX Research, Strategy, Prototyping
4 weeks
Tools Used
Figma, Figjam, Power BI, Google Analytics, Google Surveys
UX Practices
User Research, Data Analysis, Rapid Prototyping, Usability Testing, User Personas
Uncovering The Data Story
User Personas & Data Requests
We identified our user personas who were effected by the problem. We outlined what percentage of the users each persona made up. This would later help us identify what they value.
We also put in a major data request. We wanted to know if the betting handle of users had gone up since collecting NUTZ. This would tell us if users were motivated to bet more by earning NUTZ. We found that they were not motivated to bet more by collecting NUTZ.
User Research
What Users Truly Value
User Painpoints - Why Don't Users Collect NUTZ
Data showed us that users were not motivated to bet more by collecting NUTZ, we wanted to know what would motivate them to bet more. To find this out, we needed to better understand what they value most. We also wanted to understand why certain users don't collect NUTZ.
Mapping Stakeholder Discussions
This survey made a big splash and resulted in a lot of discussion between stakeholders. We made sure to record all feedback and thoughts in a Figjam board.
Opportunity Solution tree
After targeting our users pain points, we mapped them out as opportunities. From here I brainstormed solutions that would fit with these opportunities. I created a tree that had leaves of solutions that branched out from one another.
Effort x Impact Matrix
I got together with my PM and dev, and we mapped out which items would be low hanging fruit, and which solutions would require a bigger lift.
Current User Journey
After this we needed to look at the entire user journey of connecting a wallet, and all the different pathways a user could go down. We did this to better understand where they might be getting lost when trying to connect a wallet or find value.
Custodial Wallets
One of our solutions included just giving users a web3 wallet if they wanted one. So we looked into implementing custodial wallets. This would mean we could give every user a wallet, and they wouldn't have to do a thing. They also wouldn't have to worry about losing their key word phrase, as we would store it. This would be targeted to our web2 users to help onboard them to web3 without any friction. We would still want users to be able to connect their own wallets as well if they wish, as our web3 users would want this.
Enticing Users At The Right Moment
Now that we know what users value, which isn't NUTZ, it's bonus funds, free spins, and cashback- we can entice users by offering them these things if they Opt-in. When a user depletes their wallet, we decided to prompt them to opt-in to NUTZ. We would use this moment to entice them with a freeplay
Bringing Users Through a Funnel
In order to communicate to users what we could give them, we wanted to rework the connect wallet page, to help tell a better story that shows real value to the user.
Telegram Farming App
For those who felt like it was too much work to collect NUTZ, we wanted to create a second path to do this. This would be for the web3 users. We decided that creating a telegram app where users could easily signup to collect NUTZ through a custodial wallet, would be a great second funnel.
Duplicate Accounts
We had an obstacle where even if we could get more users to connect their wallets, it could create a duplicate account situation, which would ban the from the site. Resolving this would be a lot of manual work for the CS team. I worked with compliance and engineering to come up with a solution to solve this. The solution would essentially give the user the chance to auto-merge their accounts.
Hi-fi Screens & Interaction Design
Landing Page
Pressing "I don't have one" would scroll the user down to the bottom of the page. This was ideal for web2 users who were new to crypto. We didn't want to overwhelm them with too much information if they just wanted to cut to the chase and get their freespin.
Telegram App
I created many interactions and animations between screens. I worked with my devs to make sure the animations we were creating were not out of scope for this project.
If/Else Statements & Sticky Component
Created a timer with if/ else statements. Created a sticky rank position that snaps to leaderboard placing.
Measuring ROI
Increase for connected wallets
Increase for betting handle
What People Said
"This survey is gold." - Luciano (Director of Design)
"Incredible UX strategy!" - Jen (Lead Dev)
"I was extremely impressed with the work you did on this." - Ryan (CTO)
The world of Crypto is complicated! If I feel that way- I can imagine how the user feels. It was important to learn how many users just didn't understand what NUTZ were, or the value of them. I don't think any of us really knew the situation at hand until we saw the data report and the survey results. My biggest takeaway from this project is that even if users don't want what you're selling- you can find out what they value, and attach that value to the product in unique and interesting ways to help get them interested.